Monday, December 3, 2007

Mommy cut her hand badly

Today, I had my first and horrible experience of 'lossing so much blood by a cut' in my life. Just don't know why I can be so clumsy. I dropped a bowl while I was washing it and it broke. I didn't even know how the broken bowl cut my hand. The very moment I broke the bowl, my hand was bleeding furiously. The blood kept pouring out. I felt painful & giddy. After a little rest I went down to clinic to see our family doc. The doc gave me a jab and said the cut is not very bad, it can do without stitch. He kept explaining to me, when such thing happened don't panic, just get a clean towel, press & hold on the cut to stop the bleed.

For me, when I saw my hand bleeding I was at a lost. I put my hand under running water to wash away any impurities. It was Yuxin's grandma who told me to get a towel to press on the cut. Then she applied chinese medicine "青草油" onto the cut, which is very painful. Luckily Yuxin had recovered from fever which started on last Saturday and doesn't need my full attention on her. She was obedient when the accident happened. She only said kept saying "mommy 流血". What will happened if Yuxin keep crying when she saw mommy was bleeding badly? I cannot imagine... Now, I can understand something better. It goes "I'm a mother. I cannot afford to fall sick. If I'm down, who is going to take care of my child."

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